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글로벌 기후 위기 대응하는 준비된 AgTech 선도기업 ㈜라세미아

특허 현황

[2021-04-08 ] 가뭄저항성 유전자 DIAT 이용기술


  • patent.jpg
  • DIAT gene derived from controlling drought stress tolerance of a plant and uses thereof

    A method for controlling drought stress tolerance of a plant includes transforming a cell of the plant with a recombinant vector which includes a gene encoding Oryza sativa-derived DIAT (Drought-Induced AminoTransferase) protein to control expression of the gene encoding the DIAT protein. As the drought stress tolerance of a plant can be enhanced by the DIAT gene of the present invention, it is expected that a plant having drought stress tolerance is developed and used for enhancement of the productivity of crops.